Thursday, February 10, 2011

Vomiting- Best Not To Read While Eating

It’s a dog-eat-dog world out there. But it’s also a dog-eat-rancid-garbage world. And cat-eat-dead-mouse world. Your pet came into this world with a vomiting reflex to match his adventurous appetite. Dogs do it at the drop of a hat, and cats are pretty good at it too. While dogs usually vomit because of dumpster diving, eating too much or eating too fast can also upset their tummies. To help your pet hold down his lunch, try these tips:

-Give him fast relief: When your pet is vomiting, his stomach needs a time out. Don’t let him have any food for 24 hours. A short fast may be all it takes to get his stomach back to normal. If he’s still sick in 24 hours call your vet.

-Fill the water bowl: Once the worst of the vomiting is over, encourage your pet drink water during his fast. The last thing you want is dehydration.

-Let him lick ice: If water makes him queasy, give him ice cubes instead. He’ll lick the water off more slowly and it usually stays down better than when he drinks. To make sure the water stays down, don’t give him more than one cube every 15 minutes.

-Keep a lid on it: To prevent your pet from drinking too much, keep the toilet lid down.

-Make the menu bland: Start with a bland diet to gently work his system back into digesting. Vets recommend mixing two parts cooked white rice with one part cottage cheese or boiled skinless chicken.

-Bring back his favorite food -- slowly: After two days on the bland diet, you can start re-introducing his usual fare.

And one question answered -- No one knows why all dogs and cats occasionally eat grass and then vomit as a result. Some vets think they do it to purge their systems of unpleasant things. Others suspect grass-eating may be more of a be a culinary thing. As long as the grass isn’t treated with chemicals and it isn’t eaten in excessive quantities, grass-eating probably isn’t anything you need to prevent your pet from doing.

*These tips are home remedies only and should not ever be used as a substitute for any treatment that may have been prescribed by your veterinarian. If your pet has a medical problem, we urge you to seek competent medical care.



Art and Sew Forth said...

I am happy to report that at this time in my life, having only guinea pigs, I do not have to worry about vomiting! I have NEVER in my 30+ years of guinea pig ownership seen one vomit!! They do love grass, too!

Giupetto and Gianna Tails said...

Again, another great post with lots of important information.
I do have one dog that does vomit at the drop of a hat.
Thank you Alice.