Wednesday, March 30, 2011

This is one of my all time favorite cat videos. I'm sure you have seen this before...but it always makes me laugh until I cry. Great for those down-in-the-dumps days! 

    A Cat's Prayer
    Now I lay me down to sleep, 
    The king-size bed is soft and deep... 
    I sleep right in the center groove 
    My human can hardly move!
    I've trapped her legs, she's tucked in tight
     And here is where I pass the night 
    No one disturbs me or dares intrude 
    Till morning comes and "I want food!"
    I sneak up slowly to begin 
    My nibbles on my human's chin. 
    She wakes up quickly, I have sharp teeth - 
    And my claws I will unsheath
    For the morning's here and it's time to play 
    I always seem to get my way. 
    So thank you Lord for giving me 
    This human person that I see.
    The one who hugs me and holds me tight
     And sacrifices her bed at night.
    Author Unknown
    What kind of world would we have without our pets??!
    Patty from Catcalls


SassySashadoxie said...

That is one of my favorite cat videos, too. I love the poem. You know doxies do the same thing. Hog the bed. heehee.

makingstuffwithlove said...

How great, Patty! I love the cat video, but that poem is SUPER funny :) Jake sleeps in the bullseye of the bed and you'd think he weighed a ton to try to move him lol I really, really enjoyed this!

Giupetto and Gianna Tails said...

I love love love the poem. Yes, I understand the bed hogging and being tucked in tight. LOL

I will watch the video later. It looks really cute.

Unknown said...

I'm a cat lady too so I know! ha ha....thank you for featuring my "Cat In My Bed" watercolor painting! ;)


HappyDapperDogs said...

What a sweet poem. I am going o copy and share it with my cat lady friend.