Monday, February 21, 2011

Dedicated to My Friends

I want to thank everyone for all the wonderful prayers, bible passages, words of encouragement, support, emails, convos and gifts during this time of loss. Words aren't enough to express how much you've helped me deal with everything, so I found this montage to help express the warm and fuzzy feeling you all manage to emit across the miles.
Thank you so much for all you do :)


Art and Sew Forth said...

Wow...that was so great. So many cute incredible photos. It really is a strange kind friendship that develops solely through the internet. I suppose it is similar to what we have with our Heavenly Father which is primarily developed through the reading of His word. The written word and Word made flesh are the basis for quality lasting relationships no matter through what avenue they are pursued. So here we are! A diverse group of pet lovers who have grown into a loving caring family. Amazing and wonderful!! Much love to you my dear friend!

makingstuffwithlove said...

This was so wonderful! Many of those photos were once in a lifetime kind of things -- sort of like the really special friendships you are granted once in a lifetime. The wonders we all experience through being able to connect in this way is awesome. You ladies are closer to me than anybody I know in my own town. All of you are truer friends from different points on the map, no face to face needed. Our life highways intersected and I couldn't be happier :)

Giupetto and Gianna Tails said...

These pictures were awesome.
It is really amazing to me how close we have all become, and how much I have grown to love each of you, and to need each of you in my life. Thank you all for being you. Thank you Shari for bringing and keeping us together.
I feel that we can get through so much when we stick together.

Three Wishes Collective said...

I really believe we were all brought together for a reason.