Thursday, September 22, 2011

Rescued Bobcat

My daughter-in-law works at a veterinarian's office. She had an interesting vistor this week. This baby bobcat was found abandoned by its mom in the woods. The family that brought it in are going to raise it and it will be taken to a sanctuary in Tennessee.

Alice England


Art and Sew Forth said...

I don't know if this is cool or just sad! He sure is cute. Glad he will go to a safe place.

Giupetto and Gianna Tails said...

Oh. He is such a cutie. So sad he was abandoned, but happy he is on the mend and will be safe.

HappyDapperDogs said...

What a beautiful wild cat! I agree, it is kind of sad that he will now have to be raised in captivity. An abandoned kitten in the wild would be a death sentence otherwise. I'm guessing his paws are wrapped because they declawed him?

kc said...

poor baby! i'm happy he will be protected & taken care of.

Three Wishes Collective said...

What an adorable little thing! How terrible to be abandoned. He must be so scared. I'm so glad he'll be taken care of.

Tisha said...

Cute but I hope they keep him at the sanctuary...we have enough bobcats around our house. They like to kill our chickens. Not just one or two either. Usually 5 or 6 and they will bury them around the farm. I will find a pile of leaves with chicken legs sticking up out of it...funny but aggravating too.