Thursday, September 29, 2011

Owl Story From Alice

This owl was brought into the veterinary hospital where my daughter-on-law, Lisa, works. It had been hit by a car and was stunned. Dr. Lee administered steriods and treated it for a sore body. It was taken to Oak Mountain Raptor Sanctuary where it is doing well. The second photo shows Dr. Lee displaying the large wingspan.


Giupetto and Gianna Tails said...

I love owls. The second picture - he looks so innocent. Then look at those talens in the first picture. Yikes.

Unknown said...

what look at the wing span!! He looks a little pissed he has to chill at the vet clinic. glad he os ok!

HappyDapperDogs said...

WoW, what an awesome bird! I'm glad he's doing okay. Can you imagine how scary to be the one driving the car that hit him in flight!

Art and Sew Forth said...

Awesome! What rare opportunity for someone to see such a gorgeous bird up close!