Pico1 http://www.k9rescue.com/
Brownie #08340 http://www.drna.org/
Jupiter http://www.
Athena http://www.mwdr.org/
Chloe http://www.
Pico1 http://www.k9rescue.com/
Brownie #08340 http://www.drna.org/
Jupiter http://www.
Athena http://www.mwdr.org/
Chloe http://www.
and the white breasted nut hatch, with the quirky honking sound that it makes and the way it crawls head-first down the side of a tree.
This picture is not upside down. This is very often how you will spot it.
The rules are simple.
The person with the most correct answers wins. If there is a multiple tie, which I expect there will be, I will put their names in a hat and pick the winner.
What do you win? Any one item/listing in my http://www.stylindogsboutique.etsy.com/ shop up to a $10 value, shipped directly to you or to a friend OR a $10 gift certificate for my http://www.dianadesignsny.etsy.com/ shop.
NOTE - I will NOT disclose anyone's score so don't be shy - I will only disclose the winner. Winner will be anounced on Wednesday morning, in the comment section below. I hope you enjoy the game, and thanks for playing.
Come back next Tuesday for another game.
The AngelPup Crew provided a great answer to this letter in the following.
Dear Tough guy in Texas:
Our Mom doesn't do too much baby-talking to us.....she just talks all day to us like were humans and have a clue! However, we did get together and discuss this issue and we've decided that the best way to get your Mom to stop the baby talk and nicknames is to start acting like a child. Chew a shoe up, do your business in the kitchen, take the steak off the counter while it's sitting there....we know it will be a little humiliating for you at first, but we guarantee it'll work. On the occasions when Mom does do the baby-talk thing and we've employed the above tactics, she has IMMEDIATELY returned to her "adult voice" to talk to us. Well, maybe yell at us is a better description. In fact, we've seen her do it with her human kids and you know you've got her attention when she calls you by your full name! First, Middle, Last....but no cutesy nicknames that's for sure! So, whenever she starts to goo and gaa at you and begins to call you embarrassing names, just lift a leg near her favorite appliance, nicest peice of furniture, or her best new pair of shoes. She'll learn. And remember, be consistent. Sometime humans take a while to learn new behaviors but you must not give up on her.
Best of luck! The AngelPups Crew
Letter number two is also quite a common problem since humans seem to be get wider so seem the pets.
Please Sasha-you are my last hope!
I have a serious weight problem. My two housemates of the rodentia order are of normal size, eat exactly what I eat, have the same sized cage and get about the same amount of exercise. They are suave looking, lean, fit, really rather splendiferous creatures. Not me. I am obese. My mom can't walk past my cage without commenting. "How's fatty today?" "Does chubby need a goodie?" And when she picks me up she groans as if she's lifting a cannon. I really can't take it anymore. Am I destined to be be a porky, rotund, corpulent creature the rest of my days?
Sincerely, Rolypoly in a tight fix
I decided to answer this one with a bit of fursonal experience.
Dear Rolypoly in a tight fix,
Sasha is here. I myself have never had too many weight issues cause mommy practically starves me where the treats are concerned. However, I do have a play date wienie buddy (who shall remain nameless) that was actually accused by a elderly neighbor to be a PIG. The neighbor called the police and animal control stating that my friend's mommy was keeping livestock in the city. Well, the police showed up and once discovering that my poor humiliated friend was just a 40 pound wire haired wiener dog they began to laugh at him. Well, all that is a very long story, but what I am getting to is this poor fellow had a thyroid condition and was on steroids so it made him balloon up big time. He is limited on his diet and he does exercise quite a bit. However, the weight still stayed. Basically, there might be other reasons why you tend to be more plump than your housemates. So remind your mommy that unless the police show up asking to see the pig in your house, you are so able to be whatever size rodent you are meant to be.
Your Friend In Fur,
So two pet letters have been addressed today, but we actually got a third letter, too. However, my doxie mind has thought that we need to keep something special for next week's post. Here is the letter that will be answered next Sunday here on Ask The Petsjubilee Pets.
Dear Sasha, Why does my Chihuahua cairn mix like to go to bed very early and sleep very late- sometimes until noon? Do Chi's do this?Also, she eats basil and lemon mint, while my other doggies don't. I find this quite unusual. Is it because she likes spicy mexican food?
signed is my dog an alien in PA
We are still accepting you or your pets questions for APP Sunday post at: (Please, type APP Or Ask The Petsjubilee Pets in the subject of the e-mail.)
Ok I can admit the last 2 were obviously done by cartoon bears ( and we are not even going into all that Yogi has done through the years), but why would the bears be limited to anything? After mulling this over for some time now, I have come to a conclusion. Is it really so far fetched to think that 'SMOKEY' the Bear was actually responsible for a forest fire by a carelessly tossed cigarette and those PSA's were his community service? You don't see them so much anymore do you? So he must have completed his sentence. Seriously, though is cigarette smoking so hard to believe when they have video evidence off the examples above. What will all this lead to? 12 step programs for the ursine populace? Bear interventions? Cub lockups? Its quite obvious they know what they are doing and perhaps have been smarter than we knew all along and were just stringing us along at the zoo and circus to keep their crime sprees under wraps and non prosecutable . I think the proliferation of video cameras and camera phones is about to blow the lid off of this plot by the bears. But by then they will probably know how to use those too.
In keeping with the continuing hot weather and last week’s post, today I've got a little information about dehydration. Symptoms of dehydration include a dry mouth, sunken eyes, extreme exhaustion, and loss of elasticity of the skin. Here’s a test to use: Gently lift up the skin along your pet’s back. Normally it will snap back into place when you let go. In dehydrated pets, however, the skin loses elasticity, causing it to stay up in a ridge. If this occurs, it is an emergency and you need to get to your vet right away. Here are some ways to help prevent dehydration:
- Electrolyte up her life: Dehydration causes a loss of electrolytes. Plain water will replace most electrolytes, but you can help your pet recover more quickly by giving a drink like Pedialyte or even Gatorade. Some pets actually enjoy sweet, fruity flavors.
- Let her lick ice: Pets that have gone a long time without water may have trouble keeping fluids down. An alternative is to give an ice cube. As she licks it, it will slowly hydrate her system. Try to avoid letting your pet guzzle water. Getting an entire bowl of water at once can cause stomach upset which can result in vomiting, and less fluids actually getting in.
- Check her mouth: Occasionally dogs or cats will stop drinking if they get something lodged inside their mouth, like a burr. If your pet isn't drinking, take a careful look around. If you spy something in the mouth that shouldn't be there, try to get it out yourself or call your vet for advice.
*These tips are for home remedies only and should not ever be used as a substitute for any treatment that may have been prescribed by your veterinarian. If your pet has a medical problem, we urge you to seek competent medical care.
Next Thursday, I'll explain what different barks may mean. For instance, if a dog is whining between barks he may be telling you that he doesn't want you to leave the house. In the meantime, you tell me: How does your pet communicate wordlessly with you?
Alice England