But first, since we have been talking about pets that talk - here is an oldie but goodie.
Peep, my little Society finch, also has lots to say. Here he is singing to his buddy Poncho.
Peep is the one on the left.
Poncho, my Gouldian finch, wants to show him how it is done.
Now for the game:
Match the numbers below to the proper letters to spell out the answers.
(You can print the telephone pad above to help.)
1. Sue (Frums GlassManagerie) works with __________. 45277
2. Mary (PoodleLounge) has ___________ poodles. 78263273
3. Allison (JiggyPiggyBoutique) has this in her shop _________ 886635
4. Hilary (SewingLove) and K (KceKnits) - Some of their items are ________. 335833
5. Sean (CamargoCreations) and Annie (CodysCloset) make these _______. 2655277
6. Jenya (Jenya2) makes these ___________. 7932837
7. Jennifer (FurryPawsBoutique) has a customized collar in her shop for ________. 766679
Please convo me your answers, and add your name and where I should contact you in the message area below. Do not put your answers below.
And just for playing - your name will be put in a hat. The winner will be pulled from the hat by "hubby". The winner will be announced here, in the comment section, Wednesday morning.
The gift will be a surprise.
Thanks for playing. And hope you enjoyed the videos too.
And don't forget that today is Adopt the Internet day. Please see the post below for more info.
Thank you Dawn.
How sweet are they? Those little finches have such pretty songs! My finches just 'beep, beeped' all the time, no songs like yours. Yours look so happy :) The dogs talking are incredible too! Another great post! Thanks for catching your little birds singing for us :)
Love the videos!
Love the videos and the game was pretty neat. Great blog Diana.
Very fun! And I loved all the videos. I had not seen the first one and think I will have my boys watch it!
Do your birds sing more in the spring or all year long? They are so pretty!
And the winner is......
Thanks to all of you for playing, and congrats to Alice for the win!
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