Wednesday, December 29, 2010

How far did you travel this year?

As this year draws to a close, I have been reflecting on the past as I enter into the future. If I don’t do this, I feel as though I am always standing in the same place on the 'road to nowhere', either looking behind me or looking out in the distance but really never going anywhere. I found these questions useful as they helped me to see that I am indeed making progress on this journey we call life. Certainly there was much back tracking, but overall I can say that I have traveled a number of miles in the right direction. I have listed just a few of my answers here and hope you will share a few of yours in the comments.

1. What did I learn? (skills, knowledge, awareness, etc.)

~I learned that I can really make quality friends online, something I never believed possible.

2. What did I accomplish? A list of my wins and achievements.

~I was determined to quit my job and stay home with my children and through much sacrifice, have done so.

3. What would I have done differently? Why?

4. What did I complete or release? What still feels incomplete to me?

5. What were the most significant events of the year past? List the top three.

~Judah got married, Heather had our first grandchild, I quit my job.

6. What did I do right? What do I feel especially good about? What was my greatest contribution?

~After quitting work, I started attending church again (though I have no car now, so it is sporadic)

~I feel especially good about home schooling again this school year.

7. What were the fun things I did? What were the not-so-fun?

~Numerous trips to Chicago to visit my family (yay for Megabus!); creating new items

8. What were my biggest challenges/roadblocks/difficulties?

~Financial struggles have been ongoing, but I can thank God that I still have my basic needs met.

9. How am I different this year than last?

~I am past the “I wonder if I can actually sell anything online?” phase and no longer in the dark through lots of perseverance, reading, listening, and determination!

10. For what am I particularly grateful?

~Little Zeke! My awesome loving, close knit family, and a husband whose love I feel every day!

Dear Lord
Dear Lord, as I close the door on this old year,
I ponder on the things I've done...
on the things I've said and the joys I've had...
then I wonder, have I lost or won?

I've thought of the new friends I have made,
and of the old ones staunch and true...
the path of the old year was made easier Lord,
because I have walked it with You.

I think of all the many times,
when my burdens were so heavy to bear,
and how my faith slipped away from me...
but somehow You were always standing there.

Now as I open the door to this New Year,
and carefully peep inside,
I wonder what it holds for me...
but I'll throw the door open wide

And whatever it brings to me and mine,
I'll meet it with a heart so true...
I know that, Lord whate'er it may be
You'll be there to carry me through.

Mrs. Merrel Thompson

A Happy New Year to all my wonderful new found friends at Petsjubilee!


Catcalls and Dogbarks


Shari Lynne said...

Patty - that is so wonderful! All really good questions, that I would like to take time and ponder. I keep a notebook full of such things, more questions than answers, but it helps me to write them down. I don't have any answers to contribute at this time, but hope to come back to it this weekend. I love the poem; so very perfect.
Actually, 2011 is a scary year for me because I'm afraid of who in my life won't make it to 2012, which is why the end of this year has been so hard for me to handle.

AngelPups said...

Patty~A beautiful, wonderous post! I fully intend to print this post and take the time to truly and honestly answer all of the questions you posed! So insightful! Zeke is beautiful and the poem you included is so phenomenal! I'll be printing that too! God Bless you and everyone on this fantastic team and prayers for all in 2011~

Giupetto and Gianna Tails said...

First of - great post and LOVE the picture.
Well, I don’t have all the answers, and would like to take my time with some others and really think about it. Really good questions – but I will try to answer a couple now:

What did I accomplish? A list of my wins and achievements.
I do feel that when a door is closed, God opens a window. After losing my job of 12 years, I just felt like it was a blessing in disguise, as it was a good job for a while, but became extremely more and more stressful. But finances quickly became an issue.
I also wondered how I would know where or when that window would open. I gratefully found 2 jobs between then and now, but not the right jobs. But this year, May 2010, I think I have found the right job. Although a lot of work, and travel is long, the job is good, the people are good, and the stress is much much less than I had been dealing with. I thank God for helping me to find this job.

What were the most significant events of the year past?
My husband quit drinking, and his health problems are really on the mend.
I had 2 new grandsons born this year, rounding out the number to 9!!

How am I different this year than last?
I believe I am a bit less stressed, and I am working on that. I still need much improvement in that area.

For what am I particularly grateful?
I am very grateful to have my health. I am grateful to have found this job. I am grateful to have a hobby I enjoy so much. I am grateful for my family, my husband, my pets - and for the joy they bring, I am grateful for the additional friends I have met on line, and my wonderful PetsJubilee team mates.

Heather W. said...

Great post Patty! Just thought I'd pop in and tell ya even though I'm not on the Pets team.
So awesome that you were able to quit your job!!
Zeke is utterly adorable!!
Congrats on all your milestones!

poodlelounge said...

This truly is a wonderful post for end of year. I too will ponder the questions and answer them all...most important for within. It is a beautiful poem and I love the photo. Thank you so much for sharing these things.

SassySashadoxie said...

Great Post Patty!

I love the reflecting on the year, the prayer, and of corse the pic of you and your grandbaby.

I too have been touched by all my lovely etsy friends this year. It is hard to believe that all of us would become friends so easily without meeting in person.

We have all shared so much of ourselves and our daily struggles that it is just so amazing.

I hope the next year brings new friends to our PJ familly..

HappyDapperDogs said...

Thanks for the lovely reflection of your year, Patty. I love the poem and of course that picture of you and your precious new Grandbaby.
As we face the new year ahead, I pray each one of us can see the blessings & miracles in our days.

I am so grateful to have met real people online who are also trudging the road of happy destiny. ;o) God bless us all.